Pantheon plans all start with at least 20GB of space.
Full staging of development environments is possible with integrated development, test, and production workflows.Pantheon is geographically resilient, so if there is a disruption to server functioning a redundant backup server will keep your site or application running.If your website traffic increases to higher than normal levels, Pantheon can automatically provide more resources to your site to keep it performing smoothly.Pantheon’s infrastructure is optimized for WordPress and Drupal sites.More about Pantheon Reasons to choose Pantheon Pantheon is a cloud web hosting provider offering powerful tools to build and maintain WordPress and Drupal based websites including enterprise grade security and 24/7 support. The UW Sites Network is not aligned with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a federal law that protects the privacy of medical information. Information on your site or application contains HIPAA or FERPA sensitive information.The UW Sites Network does not provide development, test, and production workflow options. You need full web staging for your website or application.The UW Sites Network offers a robust, curated suite of functionality, formatting options, and only supports the UW WordPress theme. You need to create custom functionality, themes, or page layouts.Reasons the UW Sites Network may not be right for you This Amazon Web Services hosted site network provides robust performance.The UW Sites Network is geographically resilient, so if there is a disruption to server functioning a redundant backup server will keep your site or application running.Custom Domains and SSL are available for an annual fee.The UW Sites Network uses the UW WordPress theme, so the setup of a websites visual appearance and formatting is already complete.Unlimited disk space is available for sites on the UW Sites Network.The UW Sites Network is centrally administered, so all WordPress updates are done for you.UW Sites are available at no additional cost to current students, faculty and staff, thanks to the Technology Recharge Fee.More about UW Sites Reasons to choose UW Sites The UW Sites Network provides an easy-to-use, UW-branded, centrally administered WordPress websites. You need to use SSL or custom domains, which are not supported on UW Shared Web Hosting.Creating development, test, and production workflows can involve multiple accounts and be complex on shared environments. If there is a disruption to server functioning, a redundant backup will not keep sites or applications running. UW Shared Web Hosting is not geographically resilient. Geographic resiliency is important for your website or application.If one site is generating lots of traffic, it can make other sites slower or, in rare cases, temporarily unavailable. In a shared environment, all sites are taking pieces of a limited pool of resources.This means that your site’s performance can be impacted by other sites. UW Shared Web Hosting is a web hosting environment where you share the same server resources as other users on the server. Performance is very important for your website or application.Reasons UW Shared Web Hosting may not be right for you Server administration is handled by UW Information Technology.This flexible hosting platform supports popular web applications like WordPress and Drupal, and also allows for completely custom web sites.Additional disk space beyond the basic plan is available at a low monthly cost.The basic plan is available at no additional cost to current students, faculty and staff, thanks to the Technology Recharge Fee.More about UW Shared Web Hosting Reasons to choose UW Shared Web Hosting The web development environments of UW Shared Web Hosting provide advanced functionality, including ssh connections, cron jobs, MySQL servers, and the ability to host your own applications. UW Information Technology provides a suite of shared web servers for use by the UW community. Below is a comparison of several web publishing options, with information that can help you decide which platform is right for you. Whether you’re interested in hosting a small event website, or a large website for a department or organization, there are web hosting options that can meet your needs. The UW offers many ways for you to publish content to the web.